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Central Heating Installation

Your central heating system is at the heart of your home; without it, nothing is quite as warm and cozy. Energy UK recently undertook a study to prove that your central heating system is responsible for 60% of the cost of your energy bills.


With such a staggering figure in mind, isn’t it best we all strive to be as energy-efficient as we can be? A brand new boiler can decrease a property’s energy consumption by a third, ultimately saving bill payers up to £300 a year on their gas expenses. The installation of a new central heating system will be revolutionary to your home - it will see to that you have new radiators installed, in addition to a lovely new boiler and a metre for your home. 

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Upon considering an entire system replacement, I am sure you have thought to yourself

“So, how does central heating work?” We have constructed the below step by step to precisely explain and help you to understand: 


  1. Your boiler will use gas to heat up your water. 

  2. The electric pump situated within the boiler will push the heater water through and into both your radiators and hot water tank, should you have one. 

  3. As the hot water flows throughout the central heating radiators, it will emit some of its heat in order to warm the rooms of your home. 

  4. This same water is pushed through to the hot taps and shower systems when they are turned on. 

  5. Your thermostat will monitor the temperate of the water and switch off the gas-powered wet once the water has reached its optimum hot temperature. 

How Much Does Central Heating Cost?

Among the factors that will influence the price of your new system installation cost are: 


  • How many radiators are needed in order to heat the property? 

  • What type of boiler you have and how big it is. 

  • If you want to move the boiler - the cost comes in labour, the cost of installing additional pipework and radiators. 

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Should you find yourself in need of an entirely new central heating system, Gas Installations are proud to provide a quality installation service, therefore, we would be most glad to assist you. Our team of professionals and industry experts are on hand to answer any customer enquiries you may have regarding this service or any of our others, therefore do not hesitate to contact us today.

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